Or more accurately, how to get a BNR34 rear diffuser to the
shop when you don’t have the proper brackets in place?
I’m not especially proud of this, but basically what I did
was to attach the front of the diffuser using the RB Motorsport supplied bolts,
which surprisingly alone was able to keep the diffuser off the ground. However, the diffuser did not neatly fit
around the Tomei muffler (so there will have to be some cutting), resulting in
a diffuser unbalanced left and right.
Just to be on the safe side, of course, I decided to do what
I can to control movement in the unattached back, so I ended up passing twine
through the two bracket hole, and then running the string around the license
plate frame. Meanwhile, I also used some packing tape between the diffuser and
the bumper, to lessen the load on the twine.
The end result was ugly (some would say "ghetto"), and looked like this:
But I WAS able to get to BeAmbitious safely, and so I left
my car with Ninomiya-san with great anticipation.
Next: How it all
turned out!