I don't sound too silly...but since this is my blog - I'd like to make two corrections: 1)I don't work for a California based law firm anymore, and 2)I have a 1997 BCNR33 (R33 GT-R)
Thanks Mr. English!! Nice article, too! Can't wait until I get a chance to drive the new car.
Otherwise - the latest is, I picked up my car from Mine's (again) after having discovered a small oil leak due to a crack in the oil delivery pipe. Not a major problem, but I must have contributed to damaging the environment with all the smoke I was spewing out as a result of minute drops hitting hot engine parts.
So, went to the Nismo Festival today with my gf, and NickM and his gf.
I guess we had a good time... except my car developed an oil leak and was leaving behind a huge cloud driving along the expressway. As I found out the next day, a part had broken, but a quick fix.
Otherwise, a nice autumn day in the foothills of Mt. Fuji.
Here is Dino and his brother arguing about something...
Hey, here's an interesting car - except it's not a Nissan.
Because frankly, for some reason I wasn't that excited:
Most interesting shot of the day (the new GT-R was boring...) was this on an R34 spoiler - it reads "su-ka-i-ra-in" in kanji!
At Boost Setting of 1.3: Power - 508.2ps at 6990 rpm Torque - 59.5 kgm [583.5 Nm = 430.4 lb-ft] at 5160 rpm
At Boost Setting of 1.0: Power - 453.3 ps at 7270 rpm Torque - 51.3 kgm [503.1 Nm = 371.1 lb-ft] at 5300 rpm
Both measured at SuperAutoBacs Tokyo Bay, December 1, 2007 on its BOSCH machine.
Prior History: When I first did a dyno run, did it at Nissan Shinagawa in 2005, a few months after I bought the car. The first one was of the car's standard factory engine without any modifications. The second run, after the factory engine computer was replaced with a Tomei unit, running factory boost (approx 0.87)
11/01/2005 - 247.24 PS 11/11/2005 - 256 PS
My first SuperAutobacs run, I did to see what the difference between Nissan Shinagawa's dyno and the Autobacs one, with the same engine conditions. 11/19/2005 - Power - 287 PS at 6620 rpm; Torque - 37.6 kgm [368.7 Nm = 272 lb-ft] at 4050 rpm
I am still looking for a run I did in 2006, after I got a boost controller and raised the boost to 1.0.
I have a record of a run in May 2007, after I got my Tomei Poncam B and adjustable HKS cam pulleys installed. This run was done at 1.0 boost.
Power - 347.3 PS at 6850 rpm Torque - 42.0 kgm [411.9 Nm; 303.8 lb-ft] at 4300 rpm
So, you can see that the change of the engine - from standard engine with standard turbines at 1.0 boost, to Mine's engine with Mine's cams, HKS GT-SS turbines at 1.0 boost, Tomei exhaust, and Mine's front pipe - resulted in power gain of 106 PS, and torque gain of 14.6 kgm (105.6 lb-ft)!
Here are two video clips - first is just noise (or "music" depending on your view!)