Sunday, July 8, 2007

How I spent my 7-7-07 - at Tsukuba Circuit! 七夕は筑波サーキットで! 

I sure hope I can figure out a way to post events from the past... otherwise, I WILL have to work on that personal website in order to bring everyone up to speed.

Anyway, got up early on Saturday morning with my gf, we went up to Tsukuba Circuit, about an hour and half drive from Tokyo.


Nissan Prince Tokyo Motorsports Division [] and the Skyline Sports Club Tokyo (SSCT) [] organized this event.

I was the only person to run in both heats, the A group and the B group, at 30 minutes per group. In other words, while most people alternated runs for a total runtime of 1 hour, I ran for close to 2 hours. The A group were all SSCT members, all running various RB26 GT-Rs. The B group were other cars, including some BNR34s, 3 Z33s, a Porsche, modified Toyota Chaser and Aristo, etc.

走行会参加者はAとBグループに二つに分けられ、20分単位で交換で走行。AグループはすべてSSCTメンバーで、BグループはGTRだけじゃなくシルビア、ポルシェ、アリスト、チェーサーなど参加してました。アリストとチェーサーは確か、ロールケージとか後部座席なしなど、結構改造されてました。 参加者として、僕だけが両方AとBグループでの走行をしました。結果、一人で1地時間近くはしりました!(もちろん休憩を挟んで)

Some thoughts (感想):

1) My fastest time this time was on par with what I obtained last time, even though I have had new camshafts installed. The car felt more responsive, but I did notice that my entry speed into the last curve was about 10kph slower than before. Not sure if that was me, or the car. I was fastest in the B group, though!

2) Sunako-san, the professional driver, was about 2 seconds faster than me in my car (see photos below)

3) The car emptied its tank in less than 80kms. I had to refill halfway through.

4) Despite have S-compound rubber, the (Yokohama A048s), the tires quickly got warm, and overheated, leading to some oversteering.

5) I had new PFC circuit pads installed (front brakes only), but the brakes felt like they were fading towards the second half. Not sure if this was the fluid, or the brakes themselves.

I am attaching some photos - unfortunately, did not get shots of when I was driving this time, but the professional racing driver (Sunako) who was there agreed to give my car a shakedown - and then even agreed to take my gf for a spin!

This is Sunako-san and me, right before we took off.

So he is explaining to me that with the modifications on my car, it's set up pretty well for an amateur, although there is a tendency for the car to oversteer (and yes, he did - got it on video!) Honda-san of Nissan Prince Tokyo Motorsports Division, who has been one of my primary consultants in upgrading my car, appears to be keenly listening to the analysis as well.

Sunako-san with my girlfriend - smile for the camera!

Honda-san, with amused look on his face ("does she know what she is in for?"). BTW, you will note the ridiculous taping on my car. It was an effort for my girlfriend to be able to take photos from a distance, as there were MANY silver cars. Have to figure out a better looking alternative.
本田さん、笑ってます。「大丈夫かな?」 ちなみに、ボンネットのテーピングは、ビデオを遠くからとってくれた彼女のためだったんです。こうすれば車が遠くから目立つと思いましたが、結果はやはりまだ分かりにくいということで、次回のためちがう目立つ方法を検討します。

And they're off! (too bad I can't figure out how to embed a sound... yet) See entry on July 11 for video from INSIDE the car.
出発!(?) 7月11日の投稿にビデオとリンクしました。車載ビデオカメラから映した画像です。

The only photo I got of my car on the track, at speed... (Sunako-san driving) coming out of the last corner, onto the straight...

Yamada-san of Nissan Prince Tokyo Motorsports - "Welcome Back!"
いつもお世話になっている日産プリンス東京モータースポーツ室の山田さん: 「お疲れ様でした!」

Did she enjoy the ride? The look on her face says it all....

Both watching from the inside and the outside, the difference in driving skills was amazing! As one example, on the last corner, I brake entering, then keep the speed consistant until the exit - I felt like to accelerate would knock the tail loose. Sunako-san, however, would brake, begin his turn, and then accelerate even before reaching the apex! Oversteer be damned! [actually, when I think about it, my idea of the apex differs from his]


More later...

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